Create a life that you enjoy
Learnings, teachings and tips to create more joy in your life, run a freelance business with ease, stay healthy and have time to be creative.
Do You Live Your Life or Do You Plan to Live?
First time I found out about stress and that a certain amount of stress is actually good at the end of high school. Nowadays you can hear “It’s stressing me out” from a 7-year-old. Did life get stressful? Or did we create stress for ourselves on an everyday basis when we choose to do more than we can, should, need or want?
The Crepes Story
You don’t want to realise 10 years later that if you started when you thought you were old (today), you’d already be doing/having/being who you wanted to be.
Little Things That Bring Me Joy
Something that can help if you’re not feeling that great today. Everyone is different but some things can work for everyone.
How to Add More Joy to Your Business
When we enjoy our business or what we do, it’s amazing, right? We’re in the flow, time flies and we feel extremely satisfied by the end of the day.
But what if this feeling is gone?
Work-Life Balance: Myth or Reality
Can you have a work-life balance? And what work-life balance really is? Some argue that it is a myth. But what if it can be a reality?
How to Bring Creativity Into Your Life
If you’re reading this, you’re a creative person at heart. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even wonder how to bring creativity into your life.
Perhaps you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert or The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron and understand that creativity comes in a different form.
Live a Simple Life and Be Happy — Is It Possible?
What do you imagine when someone says: live a simple life? There was a time when I imagined a woman living in the countryside who had to get up every morning…
5 Simple Ways to Bring Joy Into Your Life Today
It’s in human nature wanting to feel good.
What if joy can be more intentional than an accidental event? Here is how.
How to Create a Business That Supports Your Lifestyle
If you’re trying to have a business purely because you want to make money, and then later, you would do what you REALLY want to be doing - stop.
5 Questions to Create Christmas That You Enjoy
Christmas time can be exactly what you want it to be. These are five questions to ask yourself.
4 Steps to Feeling More Accomplished This Year
Do you write your goals at the beginning of the year and make some plans? These four simple steps will help you to feel accomplished this year. And if you want to finish something, there is a secret to how to do it.
What a 44-Hour Day Made Me Think About
What would you do if you had two takes on the same day? Last month I experienced a 44-hour day and (almost) 8-day week when we flew from Sydney to Rarotonga.
Is there a point in starting if you don’t know how to get to the end?
Often we don’t want to start because we don’t know how to get where we want to be. Is there a point to even begin? What if we fail and never get where we want? But what if the result is a thousand times better than we can imagine?
A Tiny Book of Joy: 10 Ways to Bring More Joy and Creativity to Your Day - Every Day
Join me in celebrating the “birthday” of my new book— A Tiny Book of Joy: 10 Ways to Bring More Joy and Creativity to Your Day - Every Day
How to feel more joy every day
You don’t need for something to happen to feel joyful today. If you feel a notion of doing something, it means that you can absolutely have it in your life.
How choosing your attitude will improve the quality of your life
Being in a good mood helps you do what you planned to do joyfully and can bring better results overall. The same situation and the same tasks can be approached with a different attitude.

Take the next step…
Do you have an editorial blog and would like me to write for you? or are you an experienced freelancer who wants to start your own business?