What the Pomodoro Technique Is and How to Use It

As an entrepreneur you have a lot on your plate: creating content, working with clients, promoting your business, making videos for your business.

One of the best techniques that will allow you to get your tasks done sooner is The Pomodoro Technique

It will help you to become a more productive entrepreneur.

The Pomodoro Technique is based on a very basic principle: working in short sprints and staying focused on one task during this time. 

“Being great at multitasking” is the biggest misconception of being productive.  

Multitasking reduces our productivity because we need the time to adjust when we switch between tasks. Hence, we actually do less when multitasking.

With the Pomodoro Technique, you pick a timeframe of when you work and when you have short breaks.

The classic pomodoro is 25 minutes. Then you have a 5-minute break and work for another 25 minutes. After you complete 4-6 pomodoros in a row, you have a longer break.


It’s you who decides how many pomodoros you’ll work through before you have a longer break. This can be 20-30 minutes or longer for your lunch break.

Remember, you create your own rules. But make sure you have regular breaks. If you are on a roll, of course, you can skip a 5-minute break and work through the whole 50 minutes.

Very important:

During the breaks, move away from your screen. Don’t check your messages or emails. Remove yourself from what you were doing before. Stretch, get a glass of water, go outside on the balcony or have a toilet break.

Here is The Pomodoro Technique explained at a glance:

  • Work for 25 minutes focusing on one task (or a group of tasks that are similar in nature. For example, answering emails).

  • Have a 5-minute break. 

  • Work through your next pomodoro.

  • After 4-6 pomodoros have a longer break of around 20-30 minutes.

If you’re looking for online pomodoro timers, this is my favorite.

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Get a time tracker PDF here to learn how you use your time and become more productive


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